The Purpose of my Blog  

Posted by Jenny Chaloupka

I began this blog for a class and the posts will all be discussing Six Memos for the Next Millennium by Italo Calvino. Calvino has split his book into five chapters, with the sixth one never being finished before his death, to discuss important concepts that he thinks authors need to hold onto and use when it comes to writing in the new millennium, the one we are currently in. The purpose of this blog is to discuss those five concepts, lightness, quickness, exactitude, visibility, and multiplicity, and find an image that can portray them. So each image included has something to do with that particular idea that is being written about and I will explain why I believe it does. A later part of the assignment that was added on was to find a piece of literature that embodies each concept and I will explain why I feel that piece of literature has the qualities of one of the memos.